Category: Dr Sebi Says

Tamarind fruit growing

13 Benefits of Tamarind – Dr. Sebi Approved Fruit

Tamarind Information Sheet Scientific Name Tamarindus indica Habitat Origin: Believed to have originated in tropical…


Shavegrass (Horsetail) – A Great Support for Bone Health (Dr. Sebi Approved)

Horsetail (scientific name: Equisetum arvense), also known as shavegrass, is a unique, ancient herbaceous plant…


Cerasee Uses and Benefits – (One of the BEST Herbs for the Liver – Dr. Sebi)

Cerasee Overview Cerasee (Momordica charantia) Common Names: Cerasee, Bitter Melon, Bitter Gourd, Karela Botanical Name:…


Wild Banana vs Domesticated and Hybrid Bananas (Dr. Sebi)

Dr. Sebi opened up many people’s eyes to the reality that there are natural and…

Dr Sebi

What Disease Do To Us (How Disease Affects Us) – Dr. Sebi

What is disease Disease is a broad term that refers to any deviation from normal…


Dr. Sebi Emphasized That Alkalinity is Essential for Supporting Life

Dr. Sebi often spoke about the importance of alkalinity. He often reminded us that while…

Dr Sebi - Healing Modalies

Dr Sebi: CHO Chain of Life (CARBON, HYDROGEN, OXYGEN) – Protein – Vitamins – Enzymes

[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Dr. Sebi: Good day, good life to my listeners. Today…

Red rose potato

Dr. Sebi on Potatoes (Excerpt)

Interviewer: So how you talked about the carrot and different things. Even certain potatoes. I…

Black rice

Is Black Rice Alkaline?

Dr. Sebi advocated for an alkaline diet and often expressed that certain foods, especially hybrids,…


Why Dr. Sebi Did Not Support GMO

Dr. Sebi did not support the consumption of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) as part of…