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10 Amazing Benefits of Fasting (Dr. Sebi Excerpts)

Fasting, the practice of abstaining from food for specific periods, has been embraced for centuries…


The Significance of the African Biomineral Balance in Contemporary Health

The African Biomineral Balance, developed by Dr. Sebi (Alfredo Darrington Bowman), advocates for a diet…



Sage, also known as Salvia officinalis, is a widely recognized herb that is valued for…

Oxygen in water

What is Thermal Waters and How is it so Beneficial

Thermal water, also known as thermal mineral water or geothermal water, refers to water sourced…


Wild Banana vs Domesticated and Hybrid Bananas (Dr. Sebi)

Dr. Sebi opened up many people’s eyes to the reality that there are natural and…

Dr Sebi

What Disease Do To Us (How Disease Affects Us) – Dr. Sebi

What is disease Disease is a broad term that refers to any deviation from normal…


14 Benefits of Chickweed (Dr. Sebi Approved)

Latin name: Stellaria media Common names: Chickweed, Common chickweed, Stitchwort, Starweed, Winterweed Habitat: Waste ground,…


Dr. Sebi Emphasized That Alkalinity is Essential for Supporting Life

Dr. Sebi often spoke about the importance of alkalinity. He often reminded us that while…


Kalawalla Properties, Uses & Side-effects – Dr. Sebi Approved Herb (Immune Support, Skin Health and more)

Kalawalla is plant mentioned by Dr. Sebi in some of his videos. Lets look at…

Curly kale

Kale is a Hybrid Leafy Green

Why the Nutritional Guide Include Hydrids Dr. Sebi’s Nutritional Guide includes kale among the permissible…