Dr Sebi – Burdock For Energy & Wound Healing

Burdock (Natural plant)
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Hi guys this is Julie thank you for stopping by for another video today guys. In this video I have a clip of Dr. Sebi speaking of burdock. We know Dr. Sebi mentioned burdock numerous times in his lectures. And in this video Dr. Sebi tells us why, in this video Dr. Sebi gives us even more reasons to use the burdock. Let’s hear what Dr. Sebi has to say but before that, if you have not done so already subscribed to the backup channel the Dr. Sebi Information, I’ll have a link down below. So on to the video.

Dr. Sebi:
But you know I want to say this, coming to this church this evening, this lecture, I pass these herbs. Many of you, you know this herbs right, BURDOCK.

If you take the root and boil it, don’t you know that you will be energized?

Don’t you know, if you take the flower from this plant and take the seeds that come out at the fall, November, December the seeds on the plant you take them up and you grind them and you make a salve and put it on a sore that would never heal, it heals.

So in this video Dr. Sebi mentioned the fact that you get energy from the burdock root and that is because the burdock is an IRON rich plant. It’s great for the blood. Any blood condition the burdock will prove useful for. In fact, some consider the burdock to be one of the most powerful and reliable of blood tonics. But Dr. Sebi also points out that it is good for wound healing. So for stubborn wounds, wounds that will not heal the burdock seed can be grounded and applied to the wound. And the burdock in general is great for all kinds of skin condition from eczema to acne, psoriasis, anything that affects the skin the burdock can be used to address this and I’ve done other videos before on how you could use the burdock and I’ve also done a profile on my blog so you can check that out. But just another reason here as to why we should consider burdock and why the burdock is such an excellent plant. All parts of the burdock can be used to aid the body. Anyway guys I hope you found this useful, don’t forget to like, share, comment and subscribe. Tata

Note: Subscribe to our backup channel – Dr Sebi Information at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsYzowC3eshaIe1i-MuGhTw

Author: Admin