Dr Sebi

Dr. Sebi’s Iron Plus

Dr. Sebi’s Iron Plus formula stands as a testament to his profound understanding of the…

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Stuffed Vegetables

3 Dr. Sebi Approved Delicious Alkaline Recipes For You!

Dr. Sebi advocated for a plant based diet that contained natural, alkaline foods, that supports…

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Dr. Sebi’s Lupulo

Lupulo is one of the products produced by Dr. Sebi. Lupulo Description: Breaks up inflammation,…

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Dr Sebi - Healing Modalies

Dr Sebi: CHO Chain of Life (CARBON, HYDROGEN, OXYGEN) – Protein – Vitamins – Enzymes

[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Dr. Sebi: Good day, good life to my listeners. Today…

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Uterine Wash and Oil

Dr. Sebi’s Uterine Wash and Oil

Uterine Wash is one of the products that is a part of Dr. Sebi’s list…

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Red rose potato

Dr. Sebi on Potatoes (Excerpt)

Interviewer: So how you talked about the carrot and different things. Even certain potatoes. I…

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Dr Sebi

Dr. Sebi’s Bio Ferro Ingredients

Bio Ferro stands out as a key component in Dr. Sebi’s collection of products, garnering…

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Sauco Berries (Elderberries)

Sauco berries are the fruits of the elderberry plant, scientifically known as Sambucus. There are…

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African woman teeth

Dr. Sebi Tooth Powder Formula for Oral Health

Dr. Sebi’s tooth powder was created to support oral health. Description: A unique combination of…

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Eye wash

Dr. Sebi’s Eye Wash

Dr. Sebi’s Eye wash herbal formula was created to cleanse the eye and improve eye…

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