14 Benefits of Chickweed (Dr. Sebi Approved)


Latin name:
Stellaria media

Common names:
Chickweed, Common chickweed, Stitchwort, Starweed, Winterweed

Waste ground, farmland, and gardens, mostly in moist, cool areas. It thrives in full sun or partial shade. It can tolerate colder temperatures and germinates in fall or early spring.

Traditional Uses: Chickweed has been utilized traditionally as a cooling herbal remedy for various ailments including coughs, constipation, and skin conditions. Additionally, it’s cultivated as a vegetable crop and ground cover.

1. Nutrient-Rich: Chickweed is rich in essential nutrients including minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

2. Skin Conditions: Chickweed’s demulcent properties make it an effective choice for soothing itchy and irritated skin. Poultices made from chickweed leaves are traditionally applied to alleviate conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and insect bites. Moreover, chickweed’s soothing qualities render it a favored ingredient in herbal skincare products, known for alleviating itching, rashes, and minor burns. Research indicates its high mucilage content contributes to its skin-soothing effects.

3. Respiratory Ailments: Chickweed’s expectorant properties are used to assist in loosening mucus and easing conditions such as coughs, bronchitis, and asthma. It is commonly consumed as a tea or used in steam inhalations.

4. Digestive Issues: Chickweed’s mild laxative properties are employed to address constipation and stomach cramps, while it is also thought to soothe ulcers and promote healthy digestion. Its historical use as a digestive tonic is grounded in its ability to support digestion, alleviate indigestion, and calm gastrointestinal inflammation.

5. Inflammation: Chickweed’s anti-inflammatory properties are traditionally relied upon to reduce swelling and pain associated with conditions like arthritis and hemorrhoids. Traditionally, chickweed has been employed to reduce inflammation in conditions like arthritis and skin irritations, with scientific studies suggesting its saponin content may contribute to this effect.

6. Wound Healing: Poultices made from chickweed are used to promote wound healing and reduce bleeding.

7. Kidney and Liver Health: Chickweed is historically utilized as a diuretic to aid kidney function and as a detoxifying agent for liver health.

8. Urinary Tract Health: Chickweed’s diuretic properties may support urinary tract health by promoting urine production and flushing out toxins, traditionally used to alleviate symptoms of urinary tract infections.

9. Weight Management: Some traditional systems of medicine suggest that chickweed can assist in weight loss, with its diuretic properties possibly aiding detoxification and elimination of excess water weight.

10. Joint Health: Chickweed is believed to alleviate joint pain and stiffness associated with conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and gout, potentially due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

11. Cardiovascular Support: Preliminary research suggests that chickweed may possess cardioprotective effects, potentially including lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels, with its antioxidant content possibly contributing to protection against cardiovascular disease.

12. Antioxidant Activity: Chickweed contains antioxidants such as flavonoids and vitamin C, which help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, potentially contributing to its anti-aging and disease-preventive properties.

13. Immune Boosting: Chickweed’s nutrient profile, including vitamins and minerals, supports a healthy immune system, with traditional use including consuming chickweed as a spring tonic to boost vitality and resilience.

14. Detoxification:
Chickweed is believed to aid the body’s natural detoxification processes by supporting liver function and promoting elimination through the kidneys and digestive system, with its diuretic and depurative properties potentially assisting in toxin removal.

Chickweed Recipes

Chickweed Herbal Tea:


1 tablespoon dried chickweed leaves and stems (or 2 tablespoons fresh chickweed)
1 cup hot water
Optional: agave or key lime juice for flavor


  1. Place the dried or fresh chickweed leaves and stems in a heatproof mug.
  2. Heat water to just below boiling and pour it over the chickweed in the mug.
  3. Cover the mug and let the chickweed steep in the hot water for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Strain the tea to remove the chickweed leaves and stems.
  5. Sweeten with honey or add a squeeze of lemon juice, if desired.
  6. Enjoy your soothing and nutritious chickweed herbal tea!

Usage: Drink chickweed herbal tea regularly to support overall health and well-being. It can also be used as a gentle detoxifying tonic or to soothe digestive discomfort.

Chickweed Salad:

Fresh chickweed leaves and tender stems
Cherry tomatoes, halved
Cucumber, sliced
Red onion, thinly sliced
Nut cheese, crumbled
Olive oil
Lime juice
Sea salt and cayenne pepper to taste


  1. Wash the chickweed thoroughly and pat it dry.
  2. In a large bowl, combine the chickweed, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, and nut cheese.
  3. Drizzle with olive oil and lime juice.
  4. Season with sea salt and cayenne pepper to taste.
  5. Toss gently to combine and serve immediately as a refreshing salad.

Research paper

Stellaria media Linn.: A comprehensive review highlights the nutritional, phytochemistry, and pharmacological activities

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books by julian gooden
Get paperback copies of the following books on Lulu.com

Dr. Sebi Approved Herbs, Volume 2 – 23 Alkaline Herbs with Uses and Formulas
Dr. Sebi Approved Herbs, Volume 1 – 21 Alkaline Herbs with Uses and Formulas

ebooks are available on this website and Lulu.com.

Sponsored links for Chickweed products

1. Earthborn Elements Chickweed Herb (200 Capsules) Pure, No Fillers or Additives
2. Jovvily Chickweed Herb – 1lb – Common Chickweed – Gluten-Free – Traditional Supplement.
3. Essential Bliss Chickweed Salve 4OZ * 100% Pure * All Natural Organic No Additives * Soothing Anti Itch Cream * Provides Relief from Dry Skin
4. Ehickweed Tea Herb – Chick Weed Herb – Stellaria Media Chickwood Chicked Tea Herb Chick Weed

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