Tag: Concansa

Yohimbe bark

10 Traditional Uses of Yohimbe Bark (Dr. Sebi Approved)

Yohimbe, derived from the bark of the Pausinystalia yohimbe (Synonyms: Pausinystalia johimbe, Corynanthe yohimbe, Corynanthe…

Dr Sebi

Dr Sebi – A Herb Similar To Conconsa

So you ever come across anything strong like the conconsa on your traveling? Yeah, you…

Dr Sebi

Dr Sebi – These Are Powerful Herbs

Dr Sebi: Not worst than any body else, just different. So I learned that yes,…


Jungle Herbs for Impotence, Tumors & Leukemia

TRANSCRIPT Dr Sebi: They came back with souvenirs, but when I went back, when I…