Author: Admin

Dr Sebi

Dr. Sebi’s Iron Plus

Dr. Sebi’s Iron Plus formula stands as a testament to his profound understanding of the…

Stuffed Vegetables

3 Dr. Sebi Approved Delicious Alkaline Recipes For You!

Dr. Sebi advocated for a plant based diet that contained natural, alkaline foods, that supports…


Dr. Sebi’s Lupulo

Lupulo is one of the products produced by Dr. Sebi. Lupulo Description: Breaks up inflammation,…

Dr Sebi - Healing Modalies

Dr Sebi: CHO Chain of Life (CARBON, HYDROGEN, OXYGEN) – Protein – Vitamins – Enzymes

[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Dr. Sebi: Good day, good life to my listeners. Today…

Uterine Wash and Oil

Dr. Sebi’s Uterine Wash and Oil

Uterine Wash is one of the products that is a part of Dr. Sebi’s list…

Red rose potato

Dr. Sebi on Potatoes (Excerpt)

Interviewer: So how you talked about the carrot and different things. Even certain potatoes. I…

Dr Sebi

Dr. Sebi’s Bio Ferro Ingredients

Bio Ferro stands out as a key component in Dr. Sebi’s collection of products, garnering…


Sauco Berries (Elderberries)

Sauco berries are the fruits of the elderberry plant, scientifically known as Sambucus. There are…

African woman teeth

Dr. Sebi Tooth Powder Formula for Oral Health

Dr. Sebi’s tooth powder was created to support oral health. Description: A unique combination of…

Eye wash

Dr. Sebi’s Eye Wash

Dr. Sebi’s Eye wash herbal formula was created to cleanse the eye and improve eye…