Dr Sebi – Artificial Alkaline Water

Alkaline water
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Host 1:
So look doc, you said how alkaline so are you saying that can we get that the only way disease come into your body is because of there is the lack of alkalinity or there there, let me just say this, there… what’s the word I’m looking for?

Dr Sebi:
An acid situation?

Host 1:
[Acidity situation] you’re right so so doc so with some high alkaline water intake all the time would that help?

DR Sebi:

No. You want to have natural alkalinity, how do you go and there is a difference okay, you could get natural alkaline water out of this Fiji, then they have this mountain water, then you have the thermal springs, but when you have a machine making alkalinity, no [that is true].

Host 1:
what about the king what about the kangen machine doc?

Dr Sebi:
The what?

Host 1:
The kangen water machine.

Dr Sebi:
We don’t want any machine doing anything for you. You’re not a product of a machine you’re a product of mother nature [laughter, ]

Host 1&2:
So how do we get alkaline…you when you get it naturally from the spring, natural spring.

Dr Sebi:
Natural spring, that’s efficient but I drink thermal water in the village that we build in Honduras, the healing village. We have a thermal spring day and we drink the water the pH is nine point six (9.6 ph) went very high, nine point six [host 1] yes [Dr Sebi] Wow [host 2]

Host 1:
Okay, so what if you can’t get it in Honduras, what do you do?

Dr Sebi:
no but you have it here in the United States you have those mountain glacier water and you the the ph….

Host 1:
know but they say the plastic they say the plastic, you know seeps in, and brings that you know.

Dr Sebi:
It depends the quality of the plastic is true. I agree with you, plastic isn’t to cool, it should be glass [yeah] but you know we’re not back see the woman without any clothes on [laughter], the woman without any clothes on all she did was go there a hand to river and drink fresh water, but now we dont have that [host2: right].

Author: Admin