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Dr Sebi – Clogged Arteries and Headaches

Clogged arteries

I have a friend of mine yeah, him was obese but he used to eat a lot of stuff that’s not healthy and develop a stroke yeah but fortunately he recovered because he go on fasting and get back in limbs them and all that activated back but him been having a lot of pain in his, the back of his neck and can’t sleep. So he was asking me to ask what really is going on there. Him eat healthy now but him found that him have a lot of headaches and have a pain right in the back of his neck not sleeping at night what is going on?

Dr Sebi:
He’s clogged, okay. His arteries are clogged, and his brain isn’t receiving as much oxygen as it should, that’s why the headache.



Dr Sebi:
Steven Seagal had that.



Dr Sebi:
The movie star, yeah. When I went to see him he had a headache for five years that won’t quit ,okay, and he was down. That headache was kicking his ass, now five minutes after taking the compound the headache was gone.


Which one… which component you give him so I could tell my friend said him

Dr Sebi:
the Maya, the Maya, yeah but he need to stop eating, that’s all, yeah, stop eating okay, shit stop eating.

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