Dr Sebi – Why Do You Say ‘He’ Cure AIDS

AIDS - HIV - The African Biomineral Balance
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Dr Sebi:

What are we gonna do now? Are we gonna take this entity to the…. and put it towards the world.

We, the black race cure AIDS, not Dr Sebi, am I not your brother? Am I not the subtotal of you standing here? [yeah] so why do you say, ‘he cure AIDS’, not us, that’s the breakdown.

The German told me that the only people that could help me would be you, but you cannot help me. So, what I did I galvanized a group of women which is 10, they took over the business. I’m here talking to you tonight but I don’t think anybody else is going to hear me talk in person again because I don’t do this anymore. That’s right, it isn’t necessary you don’t need to be talked to. What I have in my head you got more and better, but yes brothers and sisters you’ve been here a long time tonight and I don’t want to hold you up anymore because talking and talking and talking and talking and there’s no production.

But before I end, we have a village that we just remodeled, a very beautiful village people go there from all over the world one that I designed to represent Africa meaning clean.

Clean, I mean clean and the offering unequaled. We prevailed over the physicians, we no longer have to be afraid.

Yes is on the internet I cure AIDS and other diseases, they cannot stop that now isn’t it. [No] So what are we going to do? [Move forward] Lay back on it and say well he cure AIDS, no big thing. Well to me it doesn’t hurt, it hurts only because I’m interested in you.

Author: Admin