balm of gilead

Dr Sebi – This Is One of the Best Herbs (Balm of Gilead)

Dr Sebi: Uh Oh, then we have Hyppocrates. Three hundred and sixty-five years before Christ…

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Dr Sebi – What To Eat (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner) & Djon Djon Mushroom

Dr Sebi: Yes sir! Man: Give us ah some ideas about methods. Methods for elimination,…

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Dr Sebi – Why No Vitamin C

Dr Sebi: The herbs heal. God made them. What herbs? Not comfrey, not peppermint, not…

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The African Bio-Mineral Balance

Dr Sebi – The Role of Genetics and Environment

Interviewer:Dr. Sebi. I can call you Dr. Sebi, right? Dr. Sebi: Yes sir. Interviewer: Let…

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Dr Sebi

What Happened To Dr. Sebi?

Interviewer: So Dr. SEBI was someone that was special to the community and I think…

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say no to coca cola

Dr Sebi on Coca Cola

Dr Sebi: Because it is truth. You cannot sell truth in today’s society. What you…

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Caladium bicolor

Dr. Sebi – 2 High Alkaline Plants

Dr. Sebi: So we constructed by creating these compounds such as the Maya, as known…

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Lily of the valley

Dr Sebi – Stubborn Case of Mental Illness (Gut/Brain Connection)

Dr Sebi: So Dr. Sebi is happy to know that he is one among many…

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Dr Sebi

Dr Sebi – These Are Powerful Herbs

Dr Sebi: Not worst than any body else, just different. So I learned that yes,…

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Burdock (Natural plant)

Dr. Sebi – Comfrey vs How Natural Plants Grow

Dr Sebi: We take the Comfrey plant. Comfrey is a good plant, right? Wrong! Comfrey…

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