Dr Sebi – Alternative Medicine #Herbal

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So you know that you mentioned the spirituality part um because of this interview will go on YouTube many people will say I want to mention this particular person but you teach spirituality, in a very popular place out in California and he would teach the Hindu method Ayurveda. He developed a tumor in his brain and I don’t think he went to the Ayuveda system, he went to a medical doctor and eventually died at a young age of 64, 63.

Dr Sebi:
But both were poisonous, because the Ayurvedic system doesn’t recommend polymers, of course it does, because the Ayurvedic system allow that patient to eat curry [interviewer: that’s right] and they eat cow milk cream, heavy cream, they eat potatoes, and you’re gonna tell me that the Ayurvedic system of medicine is one that compliments? There we have problems. This is why the young man went to the Ayurvedic and he got tired, and he went to the allopathic and he died, well he didn’t go to one that is complimentary. You see there again I am not a member of the alternative group of practitioners, I am not a member of that because the alternative doesn’t necessarily mean it is better than the one that is current it’s just different, it doesn’t mean that it is complementary.

There is a different alternative and complimentary, so I can see the young man doing that, because the Ayurvedic system of medicine doesn’t cure any disease, they treat you, and when black people go to it I know they’re making a mistake because they haven’t considered the genetically predisposition of the black man what they give the black men to eat, they give Chinese, they get white, they give themselves or order that’s a breakdown, my genetical structure is different, the food is different.

How about the homeopathic medicine?

Dr Sebi:
Homeopathic medicine, oh that is so good. One night, I’m in my office in in New York at 615 Pacific Street, Dr Roshan and Camilini Latta came and got me they were setting me up and I didn’t notice, I didn’t know it when I got to Camilini’s house a man came later named doctor Wit Kai, Dr Kai from Guyana, British Guyana. He had gone to the Heinemann School of Medicine of Homeopathy in London, am I right?

Yes, that’s right.

Dr Sebi:
Me, I didn’t even go to any school he did he got a big diploma, I didn’t have anything, I don’t have anything, but what I had that he didn’t have was an understanding of nature which is necessary to be affording people something that is nutrition or nutritious, homeoapathy? He was a homepathy doctor but I didn’t know it.

How I got tricked was the girls asked me Dr Sebi, what do you think of homeopathy? I said homeoapathy is a method that recommends that the patient take oxides. Notice carefully when you get back to the United States, everything says oxide, oxide of calcium, ferrosulfate is an oxide, not iron fluorine. So now, in looking at the structure of homeopathy, what we find is that when they make the recommendation they’re making a dead recommendation. They are oxides, not phosphates, not carbonates, not iodides or bromides. I think nothing of it.


Let’s take a break and then, uh when we come back let’s talk a little bit about some of the herbs that are uh not hybrids, some of the foods that are not hybrids that you recommend and also about this great center here that you have.

Dr Sebi:
Oh most definitely.

Author: Admin