Dr Sebi:
so bolingo
bolingo is a word that came out of the congo which means love
love love meaning that we have reached a level of acceptance of self-acceptance and in so doing i love everybody
i love everybody
bolingo is to bring out of us the best that is locked by the acid condition that exists in our body today we want to relax we want to be in a stressless state but to accomplish that we have to select the proper food every cell is made up of a different structure a different mineral the bones are calcium the blood is iron the brain is copper and carbon but what about the individual person does he represent a dna that is different from everybody else yes yes his dna is different but has that different been treated no it has been treated
they give us the same medicine they give everybody else yet the physician would tell us that one fits all but that’s impossible my genetical predisposition is different i’m supposed to be treated different
differently am i no so we at bolingo knowing that this has been omitted this this degree of understanding or this level of understanding has not surfaced yet in 1988
the present philosophy of medicine was challenged
not for the first time 2700 cases before was challenged the american medical association
the african biomineral violence was the only therapeutical approach that prevailed over the existing philosophy but to do so we had to rely again on the natural manifestation of life we have to select from that particular perspective the compounds used to bring about the reversibility no big secret electric body electric fools it is said by many that when the body is sick it need a medicine to cure it the african biomedical balance negate that position when the body is sick it means that it need to be nourished back to health because minerals have been lost energy has been lost we have to retrieve that to bring about the degree of energy that would help this individual to manage their own daily life that cannot be accomplished by medicine it has never been accomplished by any medicine in the last 500 years but the african biomedical balance that just came into existence chance about 45 47 years ago we have on record that by putting into motion mother nature and using from her her compounds or her natural materials yes we are proud to say at bolingo that we create we cause excel blindness diabetes lupus herpes we should be proud that we have raised the bar and set the standards of course why not the purpose of science is to improve the present condition and you keep improving until you reach that level of ultimate perfection where that is i don’t know but if there is an offering that eclipse all others then we are obligated to raise with the level that has the new level that has been established if we fail and we operate substrata it means that we are being inconsiderate and we want to deny it true