Dr Sebi – Natural and Unnatural Alkalinity

Battery alkali

Please see transcript below:

We also hear that sometimes on the ph scale, right, this is you should not go too alkaline, obviously you don’t you can’t be too acid but try to stay inside, is there is that such a thing or can we be in the ph scale at nine?

Dr Sebi:
The higher you go on the ph scale, the higher the alkali environment would be. In alkalinity, nature doesn’t allow you to go beyond 9.8. You don’t have to be afraid, if you could take your body there it would be better for you, but men have found a way to take a machine and take the ph up to 14. That is what you find in a battery, a battery has what you call sulphuric acid am I right?


Dr Sebi:
Sulfuric acid is highly alkaline, artificially made.

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