Dr Sebi – What is the African Bio-mineral Balance

Dr Sebi
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Dr Sebi:
Yes, bro, next question.

And before you, let me do this phone call first ah before, we got a call hmm Mike

Dr Sebi:
This is live?


Yeah, this is live, oh yeah and in living colour.

This is Patricia Creaton*, how are you doing Brother ….?

Hey Patricia how are you, thanks for calling.

Dr Sebi, I am so honoured that someone texted me to tune in to the show tonight with all the knowledge that you have and you spoke about a bio mineral balance and I wanted to know more about that and they put up your email address, so I’m going to go to bed also, but I just wanted to hear about the bio mineral balance.

Bio-mineral balance, the bio balance, she wants you to expound on that a little bit.

Dr Sebi:
Expound on the bio mineral balance. You know, I don’t like doing this tonight because I shouldn’t be the one addressing this. This should have been addressed by the healers who are in a Atlanta for the last hundred years. So tonight, tonight we have to dispel the myth, we have to address that which should have been addressed already because it only means that the race was suffering. The Bio-mineral Balance, the African Bio-mineral Balance. It’s a therapeutical approach that considered in addressing pathology on two levels – the INTRA-CELLULAR CHELATION meaning [Host: that’s a big word ] , we’re going to clean not only the cells, we’re not only going to clean the organ, but we’re going to clean the cells that makes up that organ to ensure that the organ is properly taken care of and will function for the rest.

Because the organ regenerates itself once the cell [Dr Sebi: off course] the cellular seat is back in order then it will take his own course and do its natural healing.

Dr Sebi:
Correct. This is precisely why I want to make you all aware tonight of something that you are all you guys have over looked and may not, and might not have noticed but on my products it says ‘natural vegetation cell food’.

There aren’t any other product in America that could advertise such a thing. Ours are the only ‘cell food’ in America. Well, if you sell something other than a cell, what are you selling? You’re selling nothing because it has to assimilate.

The other part of the bio mineral balance beside the CLEANSING, is REVITALIZING the cells of the body that has been eroded by the presence of the disease that you so beautifully talk about, the mucus covering groups of cells. When the mucus cover these groups of cells, [Host: kill the electricity] they erode. They go to what you said mitosis, in removing the mucus we have to help these group of cells to regenerate again. If they’re in the lungs we’re talking about sulfur, if it’s in the bones we’re talking about calcium, if it’s on the brain we are talking about carbon and copper, if it’s the prostrate gland it is zinc so we have to understand the ABCs of healing to properly address a disease that is the African Bio-mineral Balance.


* Selling may be incorrect.

Author: Admin