Category: Dr Sebi Says

Cooked vs Raw Foods - Dr Sebi

Raw vs Cooked Foods – Dr Sebi’s View

The raw food vs cooked food debate has been around for a long time now….

Alkaline water

Is Your ‘Alkaline Water’ Really Alkaline

There are many brands of alkaline water on the market today. People are buying them…


What is the Best Water to Drink?

There have been many debates in recent years about which water is best – distilled…


Dr Sebi on Colonics

A colonic is the infusion of water into the rectum by a colon therapist to…


Dr Sebi on Vaccines (H1N1)

In many countries of the world people are ‘forced’ to get their children vaccinated. The…

Contribo flowers

2 Stages of Healing and 4 Herbs That Revitalize the Body – Dr Sebi

In this video Dr Sebi mentions that there are two stages to the healing journey…

Marijuana (Cannabis sativa)

Marijuana is Not a Drug

Marijuana (Cannabis sativa), is one of those plants that is classified as a drug. In…


Dr Sebi Speaks about Milk

Dr Sebi has spoken about the dangers of milk in many of his lectures and…

Yellow dock

Dr Sebi on The Most Important Mineral

The most important mineral Dr Sebi have spoke of (largely because of its importance to…

Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen

Dr Sebi – It Was Necessary To Understand Biochemistry

In today’s world, man relies on the science to tell him what to eat. This…