Tag: Yellow dock


Yellow Dock: Traditional Uses and Benefits (Dr. Sebi Approved)

Yellow dock (Rumex crispus), also known as curled dock, sour dock, or narrow-leaved dock, is…

yellow dock

Dr. Sebi Approved Herbs Iron Tonic Recipes

Dr. Sebi had always stressed the importance of iron, describing it as the ‘spark plug’…

yellowdock - Dr Sebi

3 Yellow Dock Herbal Recipes

Yellow dock (Rumex crispus) one of the herbs used by Dr. Sebi. It is a…

yellowdock - Dr Sebi

Yellow Dock Root Infusion

Ingredients: 1 ounce of yellow dock root (cut) 1 1⁄2 pints distilled water Directions: 1….

yellowdock - Dr Sebi

Dr Sebi Says Try Yellow Dock

TABB: Hi everyone this is Julie thank you for stopping by for another video today…

hiv / aids - Dr Sebi

Dr Sebi – How To Cure AIDS

Dr Sebi: One of the thing that we found in the treatment of AIDS, is…