Dr Sebi – The Duck, Guaco, Contribo, Hombre Grande, Iron

Hombre grande
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Why make the herbs them bitter? I hear them bitter herbs carry a lot of oxygen.

Dr Sebi:
Bitter herbs is one of the best herbs there ever been. They are the ones with the strength.

Oh. So the more bitter herb you drink the better for you.

Dr Sebi:
Yeah, bitter herbs are the strongest one.

Ah the duck.

Dr Sebi:
That Duck Root is the bitterest thing there is.

Okay, so the duck root is what the Guaco?

Dr Sebi:
The Guaco. The Guaco root, so you use the root? That’s right.

Okay, so what uh what chemical component in the duck that make you vomit so much?

Dr Sebi:

It have a lot of iron?

Dr Sebi:
And iron is Nature’s greatest cleanser.

Okay. Iron

Dr Sebi:
Iron iron iron iron iron iron iron iron.

but if the the the Contribo, it it grew a duck flowers too right?

Dr Sebi:
Is what?

The Contribo.

Dr Sebi:
What happen?

It grow a duck flowers too or it don’t grow no flowers?

Dr Sebi:
It don’t grow a duck, the Contribo doesn’t grow a duck, only the Guaco.

Oh, the Guaco.

Dr Sebi:
But the Contribo is just as good as the Duck.

Okay. The Contribo is a very good plant and they got a lot here in Jamaica. Yeah, it’s here in Jamaica too. You know about a plant that, in Jamaica we know it as Rice Bitters, it is very, very bitter it have some little pod looking like rice, with some fine leaf but it very very, I don’t know if it’s the same one name Zebokwa (spelling possibly wrong)?

Dr Sebi:
I don’t know it.

It’s very very very bitter bitter than the Cerasee.

Dr Sebi:

It and um Hombre Grande have similar bitterness.

Dr Sebi:
You know the Hombre Grande?

Yeah, it grows there right, yeah we know it as Bitter Wood if if you’re if you’re the um at the woodwork shop and they’re cutting the wood and you they’re cutting it there and you’re there you can taste it in your mouth from off of the mill. But I wonder if the Hombre Grande from Central America, if it’s the same one here in Jamaica, if it’s the same.

Dr Sebi:
I don’t know, I’ve never seen the one in Jamaica.

The the the the the wood have a yellow look. It have a yellow look to it.

Dr Sebi:
In the middle?

Yeah, it have, not really in the middle but the wood itself, when you chip it off the tree it has a yellow look. Oh. It have a yellow look.

Dr Sebi:
Maybe it’s stronger in Jamaica, maybe it’s the same thing but it’s stronger in Jamaica. Okay because you know geography and mineral content changes the profile of a plant.

Yeah, yeah.

Dr Sebi:
Jamaica, I want to see the hot spring man I want to go there when I come back in about two three weeks, okay, I’m coming back to Jamaica because I really want to see that hot spring yeah yeah.

Author: Admin